Monday, November 12, 2012

Meandering - Venice

 S    W    E    E    P    I    N    G         B    E    A    U    T   Y

VENICE IS 360-DEGREES OF LOVELINESS.  When you stand on the Rialto Bridge and take in the sweep of palaces, hotels, cathedrals, and exquisite buildings on either side of the Grand Canal, you feel that you are looking out onto  a stage set for the most beautiful play in the world. Indeed, Venice is full of visual theatre.  Each day is an adventure, whether you're gliding along the Grand Canal in a gondola; wandering wide-eyed through St. Marks Square, or getting lost in a charming tangle of narrow streets.

 And, let's not forget THE BRIDGES. There are 409 of them crossing 117 small islands and 150 channels, each  revealing a tiny vista - vibrant and  full of life. 

And when the sun is just right and you look down, a surreal painting appears.
Look up and see laundry hanging like flags against ancient walls...

and, balconies and ornate, shuttered windows lined up like elegant soldiers.

And after crossing one of these diminutive bridges you never know what you'll discover on the other side...

                                       Cozy plazas..

Un-Venice-like  paintings...

Graffiti juxtaposed with the sacred...
Crumbling beauty...


And, doorbells, keyholes, and letterboxes to swoon over...




Here's a sneak preview...